Search for online furniture companies
Google or any search engine will give you a list on reputable top companies in your first page. Go according to your need and also look into the paid advertisement also for better deals.
Read “About Us” page of the relevant company
The better online retailers provide details about their companies, including history and information about their customer service and satisfaction guarantees. The company’s about page should also include a phone number or address. Reputable companies always provide ways for companies to contact them offline.
Read all verified customers reviews-positive and negative
Several websites allow users to post reviews for Internet retailers. While you can chalk one or two bad reviews up to unique bad experiences, several bad reviews or a low ranking may indicate problems with the company. Consider all positive and negative reviews in terms of total percentage to make your final decision about the product.
Compare product pricing and quality standards among all companies
After browsing through selected websites, you will notice many companies have some common products in their shop page. If it is a marketplace website it must be having a feature of product comparison, use it for all the detailed description. Otherwise compare separately for better results.
Call and Inquire
This will help you to decide the pre and post services and leaves you with an impression about the company reputation. It will be advisable to know the manufacturing location and the vendor if it is a furnishing marketplace. In any unfortunate situation you can directly contact your supplier also.
Check your desired space for furniture measurement
Before you decide what kind of furniture you want to buy it would be highly advisable to measure all the space left and supposed to be used for new furniture area. This will help you see the product size clearly and get you an idea for left space in your home. And also help you in your interior designing phase.
Confirm your order by placing on website
After all the primary steps has been taken, you can place your order carefully while choose all products variation like Colour, Size, Type and Quantity. Before you proceed for the payment options, you must check the security encryption in the top URL bar with a green lock symbol and proceed for the final payment option.
Keep your shipment code with you
After the order is placed you will get a confirmation mail with the shipping code in your invoice keeping the shipping company name in it. This will help you to track your shipment and give you live update of your order. You can also check on the company website for your order.
After the delivery-leave your honest reviews on product you bought
This is the last step but not the least one which you must do with your same effort. This will help to know about the product for the next prospective customer and also for the vendor for its next modification. Your honest reviews will help you to build the company profile also.